Reshaping intimacy
Intimacy is a step beyond the feeling of belonging. It is the feeling of being accepted as you are. Creating a family with strangers, creating a home with enough space for everyone, these are challenges that come up every time we arrive in new place.
End of year show choreographed and performed by the students of PERA - School of Performing Arts - GAU. Eight performances involving tens of dancers from many countries.
Void spaces
The restrictions of the society are told as a huge plastic cover, especially during the pandemic. Underneath, life keeps going.
Icons / representations
A multi layer dance performance built as a homage to the classical arts. Bodies as sculptures explore the ancient myth, walk through the material experience of deities, play the immortal museum of life.
Icons / representations – Rehearsals
The magic moment of rehearsals. Icons / representations, when the performance was still to be mounted.
Grey is the colour of the discomfort. Grey is the colour of the confusion. Grey is the colour of the uncertainties of the contemporary times, the colour of a mental state. Grey is the colour of mist.
Taht-el-Kale watermelon
Pandemic winters were hard. But the Cyprus temperature is hot very early. A performer tries to experience renewed...
Statue in the stones
Ancient goddess statue or European woman of contemporary ages? Is Mediterranean homeland or ancient memory?
Dance doesn't give answers. Dance combines different ages and spaces.
Paphos Gate gatherings
At the beginning of the Sars-Cov-2 pandemic, the checkpoints connecting the North and the South of Cyprus were closed, and they have been reopened after 15 months. Some divided couples started to meet at the barricades, like Romeo and Juliet, and then many followed, sending far hugs to their friends in the other side and sharing music, poetry and paintings.
Be My Home
Home is an intimate concept of belonging, often related to a personal, endless research. Like snails, we carry our fortune and experience and we look for a place.
Nicosia Pop Up Festival 2020
Yearly performative art and craft festival, organized by the Nicosia Municipal Art Centre (NiMAC).
Naked self
This story is about how spontaneously we look for others. We look for physical contact, for complicity, for empathy. This is our instinct, our naked way to be.