A performance about a world gradually diminishing, dedicated in memory of a lost forest.
A performer on stage creates an ever-changing landscape using natural and man-made materials, and invites you to look at how fragile and temporary the world has become.
A performance about a world gradually diminishing, dedicated in memory of a lost forest. A performer on stage creates an ever-changing landscape using natural and man-made materials, and invites you to look at how fragile and temporary the world has become.
Konstantina Skalionta
The work is based on the artistic research Object Animated (Dance House Limassol, Moving the New residency programme 2020), exploring ways of animating materials, and how these can be used as extensions of the performing human body.
Once there was a forest was part of the NO BODY At a distance Festival hosted by the Dancehouse Lefkosia.
Concept / choreography / action: Konstantina Skalionta
Live sounds: Dimitris Savva
Dancehouse Lefkosia
NO BODY 2020


Live (some photo by Claudia Mosca)