Tag: Arianna Economou

DancePerformancesStage works

Compton Mackenzie no. 27 & Prometheus no.4 / Nicosia

A spy story, finds in houses belonging to spies or spies' families, a war still dividing a land, a Cypriot story. Echo-Arts / Arianna Economou presents a palimpsest performance around the theme of desertion, absence of human life at the core centres of our towns, through time.
DanceStage works

Karfitses / Pins – Homage to Christoforos Savva

Kartses / Pins is a homage to Christoforos Savva, inspired by three of his works: Circles and Squares, Sphere and Rising Form. A dance–performance, upon observing the fluidity, the play of light and movement within the thickly inhabited canvas of pins of the works by Christoforos Savva.