emotion is an exhibition about performance photography, a practice where photography is a stage for performers and a chance for adventures.

A minimal action, minimal connections, just eyes, tensions, disequilibrium. YIA NNA condensed the wide meanings of the daily interactions.

Land of darkness / Land of light – Rehearsals
Darkness and light, black and white, death and life, fear and love. Existence is a trip across contrasts and juxtapositions.

Artists in Process 2021 | Final presentation
Artists in Process is a residency program hosted by the Dancehouse Lefkosia.

Compton Mackenzie no. 27 & Prometheus no.4 / Nicosia
A spy story, finds in houses belonging to spies or spies' families, a war still dividing a land, a Cypriot story. Echo-Arts / Arianna Economou presents a palimpsest performance around the theme of desertion,
absence of human life at the core centres of our towns, through time.

Statue in the stones
Ancient goddess statue or European woman of contemporary ages? Is Mediterranean homeland or ancient memory?
Dance doesn't give answers. Dance combines different ages and spaces.

Artists in Progress 2020
By establishing the body’s presence within the space and time of the spectator as the workshop’s central axis, participants came in conversation with the image, the object and the relational connections that are produced, in order to expand their mode of practice into a new vocabulary of tools, values and notions provided by the field of performance art.

Karfitses / Pins – Homage to Christoforos Savva
Kartses / Pins is a homage to Christoforos Savva, inspired by three of his works: Circles and Squares, Sphere and Rising Form. A dance–performance, upon observing the fluidity, the play of light and movement within the thickly inhabited canvas of pins of the works by Christoforos Savva.